Friday, October 15, 2004

I'm a nerd

Over the past few years, I've been adding books to my wish list that I eventually want to buy. As I take all of these cool classes at school and hear about good books in class and from other people (or stumble upon them myself), I put them on my list so one day I will eventually get to read them.

The problem is, the list is growing WAY faster than I can purchase, nevertheless read, the books. As of today, I have 68, that's right, 68, books on my wish list. Most are biblical, theological, or "Chrsitian " in nature. I've got commentary sets on there, classis Christian writings from the past, and a lot of new stuff dealing with the "emerging church." I don't even know which book to buy first!

One thing that I've realized looking through my list is that I miss Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I read his book The Cost of Discipleship my freshman year and have always wanted to read more of his stuff. He's a magnificent contemporary theologian. I was remined about how great of a writer and thinker he was this past weekend at the National Youth Workers Convention. Tony Jones read a quote out of his Ethics and got me thinking about him. Maybe that will be the next book I buy. But there was also this other seminar that weekend by a guy who wrote a book that I want t o read as well...

And the cycle continues.