Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Grace Unspeakable

As I observe life, the world, and the scriptures, I am increasingly becoming a believer in total depravity. It seems clear to me that we all have God, as well as the life that he has called us to, dead wrong. And I don't mean just a little bit wrong, but a lot wrong. To even reflect on the thoughts of being free in Christ as compared to how we live our lives and "do" church makes it obvious how much we are missing the mark. Is this a bad thing? I'm not so sure. All that this does is point back to the utter grace of God in the light of our utter depravity. And that's always a good place to be. For me, it is at times of such reflection, that there is no call for action, revolution, or reformation, but that of humble silence in the presence of Grace. There we find our value. Not in what we do, but in who God has declared us to be.